Screen shots

Click on a screen shot to enlarge it.

Game in progress
Wood theme, with ray-traced Staunton pieces
3-D mode

You can zoom, tilt, and rotate the 3-D board using two-finger gestures.
Play online

You can play up to 20 games simultaneously. Make moves in real-time, or at your leisure. (Up to two weeks per move.)
Analyze game

See a visual representation of the current game as a graph of which side is winning. Spot mistakes instantly.
Opening library

Look up which opening moves are played from the current position, and how often.
PGN database

Use tChess Pro to open databases of chess games in standard PGN format.
Edit position

Quickly enter any chess position.
Rated games

Play "rated games" against the computer opponent. The computer automatically adjusts its strength to match yours, based on your win/loss record.
Analysis mode

tChess Pro uses the Stobor chess engine to evaluate the on-screen position: it tells you which side is winning, and shows you the best sequence of moves.
Copy and paste

Copy and paste games in standard PGN format. You can also copy and paste positions in FEN format.
tChess Pro includes Learn Chess
Move list

Quickly jump to the beginning of the game, the end of the game, or any move in-between.
Benchmark feature

Measure how fast your device can run the Stobor chess engine.
Marble theme, with ray-traced Staunton pieces